About Us
The idea to develop an online training programme for career guidance practitioners as a tool for their self-regulated professional development arose in the course of the previous Erasmus+ project “Quality in Career Guidance” in which the Czech Association for Career Guidance and Career Development participated as well. One of the outputs of the former project has been a mentoring programme for careers professionals aiming to support their professional development. The feedback we received during the pilot run of the programme sparked an idea to develop an e-learning platform that would offer a high-quality and freely available education service for career guidance practitioners. Our vision is to offer them a virtual study room with diverse topics from the field providing a quality tool for their self-development, expanding further each year.
The project ‘E-learning for Career Guidance Practitioners’ (C-Course) started in October 2020 under the coordination of the Association for Career Guidance and Career Development in the Czech Republic. The aim of this project is to develop a flexible, self-paced and freely accessible online course for career guidance practitioners and professionals across Europe. The C-Course is produced in 5 different languages (English, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Norwegian) and it is aimed at:
- career guidance practitioners and professionals involved in the delivery of career guidance and counselling across different sectors (i.e. youth and adult education, public and private employment services);
- educators and training providers (e.g. academic institutions, professional associations, educational institutions);
- students enrolled in the career guidance and counselling academic programmes.
The high-quality learning content and effective and user-friendly method of delivery is guaranteed by the wide transnational cooperation of 5 partner organisations with diverse expertise:

Sdružení pro kariérové poradenství a kariérový rozvoj
The Association for Career Guidance and Career Development is one of the professional platforms in the Czech Republic. The mission of the Association is to enhance the quality and availability of career guidance services by supporting the professional development of career practitioners and raising awareness of good career guidance among the public. www.rozvojkariery.cz

Združenie pre kariérové poradenstvo a rozvoj kariéry (ZKPRK)
ZKPRK is a professional association established in November 2014. The mission of the Association include to facilitate networking and competence development of career practitioners in Slovakia; to improve quality and accessibility of career guidance services; and to be an advocate of career guidance at policy level. The Association has currently over 150 individual and institutional members, covering all career guidance sectors www.rozvojkariery.sk

Katalyst Education
In Katalyst Education, we seek to level the playing field for all Polish students by creating free-of-charge, digital, open-source and high-quality educational tools and by supplying services supporting their optimal use. The foundation is an incubator of innovation, supporting effective learning methodologies. The current Katalyst Education projects are: Mapa Karier (Career Map; www.mapakarier.org) - a free career counselling tool, and Pi-stacja (www.pistacja.tv) - free-of-charge video lessons. www.katalysteducation.org

Høgskolen i Innlandet
At Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University), we offer flexible educational programmes at six different campuses. In addition to the degree programmes at bachelor's, master's and doctoral level, INN University has a wide range of one-year studies and shorter courses that respond to society's need for lifelong learning. INN University offers career guidance education at Masters level. www.inn.no

We build eLearnings where you learn by your own experience. During our eLearnings you resolve a lot of situations from your work life which makes you more prepared for it. For each of your actions you receive a reaction which makes you learn more by doing than just by reading or watching videos. santiax.cz