Career Guidance
for the 21st Century
Learn from an elite community of instructors and thought leaders with high-quality content

Why take this E-learning
These features make the course truly unique
Career practitioners and professionals were involved in the design of the course to ensure its relevance and quality.
Learn On Your Schedule
The course is available 24/7 and free of any charges which allows you to access it whenever and learn at your own pace.
The course contains case studies, exercises, quizzes, audios and videos which allows you to fully engage with the learning content.
Get quality training in 4 thematic areas
Navigating the World of Work
The goal of this module is to help you understand how the labour market has evolved over time and how career guidance has evolved with it. You will get familiar with current trends in the labour market such as digitisation, automation or new forms of work. You will understand the importance of the labour market information (LMI) in career guidance and gain an overview of labour market stakeholders.

Professional Enhancement
In this module, you will explore and reflect on the notion of professionalism and its role in enhancing the quality of the work of career practitioners - both in the offline and online world. You will have an opportunity to look at yourself as a professional and consider what you can do to enhance your professionalism in the field.
Career Education
In this module you will learn about how to create educational programmes to support learners to develop their careers. We will cover what career education is; what career competencies are and why it is important to develop them; how you can teach career education; and how you can assess career education to support learning

The Transforming Role
of Career Practitioners
In this module you will explore and reflect on your previous experience and knowledge of career guidance theories responding to societal changes, digital technologies changing the role of career practitioners and your possible individual and professional contribution to build the world you want to live in.
Loved by Students Worldwide

Jeroen Bregman
Member of the Executive Board / Treasurer NolocGreat to hear from you, and to see your European project has resulted in such an expressive outcome! I had a thorough look, and am impressed about the quality of the course and its professional appearance! As member of the executive board of Noloc, the professional assosication for career guidance and job coaching in the Netherlands, I will stronly recommend it to our over 3,500 members and am pleased to incorporate your course in our Academy. Compliments!

Štefan Grajcár
National Correspondent with the IAEVG for SlovakiaI like the course, I appreciate the number of links to current resources (in total, it is a pretty decent library), the method of presenting the information, and the degree of interactivity. I am glad that something like this has been created and I hope that it will be used by career guidance practitioners in Slovakia, regardless of the sector in which they work in and the target group they work with.