
User Handbook
This Handbook guides you through the e-learning Career Guidance for the 21st century, showing its genesis, objectives and target groups. The Handbook will be particularly useful to career guidance practitioners (across all sectors), organisations that train career guidance practitioners, students of career guidance, career guidance professional associations, careers services and employers) – you can find there practical information and tips on how to use the course, depending on your role.

Training Careers Professionals
Underpinning research for the C-Course programme
In an early stage of the project, research was conducted in the Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia and Poland to underpin the development of a new professional e-learning programme for careers practitioners. A report was produced to present findings and recommendations based on a review of the literature, desk research in each of the countries, expert interviews and practitioner focus groups.

Guidelines on Online Course Development
From Defining the Course Goals and Learning Outcomes to Designing the Course Concept
Online education has forever transformed further education, and we are learning that quality is really about flexibility and the ability to adapt the education content and the ways of its delivery to the changing demands of learners and the new promises of technology. The aim of this report is to present the first two phases of any e-learning development – Making curricular decisions and Designing the course concept – in the perspective of our experience and within the Erasmus+ framework. We consider these phases to be essential for the successful completion of any development process, incl. the quality management.

Reviewing the development process of the E-learning for Career Guidance Practitioners (C-Course) and evaluating its pilot run
This paper follows up on the “Guidelines on Online Course Development – From defining the course goals and learning outcomes to designing the course concept” and describes the development process to its end, presents and summarises the pilot run of the e-learning and its results incl. the feedback given by the first learners, and finally, it reflects the project run by the project team.